This birthday title background video royalty free footage is very new style effect for your next making project. Especially created this title background video for birthday projects or any kind of party celebration. You can place your title in the center of white circle glowing area as well. If you want to make very effect eye-catching title presentation then probably animate your placed text also just like zoom out and zoom in including fade in or fade out effect, after then if you see the overall your title projects, its really very awesome and brings very effective looks. Sometimes it is fit even for wedding projects just like can use as a frame, just replace your captured video in the white glowing area well and can give the video effect just like circle and make edges as fade, for that apply feather radius to the captured video and then see over all the video its really amazing looks, so don’t miss this best new birthday title background video royalty free footage to download from the following links and enjoy!
[box type=”shadow” align=”alignleft” class=”” width=”480″]

Name of Video: Birthday title background video royalty free
Resolution: 1920x1080p
File Size: 72.0 MB
Files Source: AllDesignCreative
Clip Format: QuickTime, Movies & TV and AVI
Length: 00:01:o4
Alpha Channel: No
Looped Video: Yes
Licence: Free to use for private/commercial
Video Design By: V. Sudharsan
Type of File: MP4 File (.mp4)
Frame Rate: 29 frame/second
Complete Licensing Information: [tooltip text=”Standard Licence (i)” gravity=”nw”]Free to use for private/commercial, Link Back to is Always Appreciated![/tooltip]
Author Channel: [/box]