Home SEO Complete Introduction to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for Beginners

Complete Introduction to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for Beginners

by Author Sudharsan
Introduction to SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for Beginners

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search Engine Optimization is the process of increasing amount of visitors from the organic, natural, free and editorial search results on search engines. Organic SEO is used to explain process to gain a natural position on organic search engine results pages. SEO main trend is to improving search results and promoting web site pages in order to step-up the amount of visitors to site receive from search engines. All major search engines (SERP) like google, bing and yahoo contains primary search results, by this search engine receive a high ranking placement in the search results.

Introduction to SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Introduction to SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

There are many prospects to SEO, that would be link to other sites on web, makes your website easy for both users and search engine robots to understand and make sure your site structure is very important in search engine understand. So that your website layout design would be user friendly website for visitors, then the visitors can easily find the information what they need from site, like this way also there is more chance to improve visitors .

Search engine Optimization is the power full engine for any website, for example here we can imagine vehicle and with engine, in that name there is the word “engine”, for example any vehicle how much important to run as a proper to reach there destination such a important this search engine optimization also for website to increase the number of visitors. In terms of phrases SEO that generate traffic, make friendly, to erection the links and marketing the unique value of the organization or site.

White Hat SEO:

White Hat SEO disclose to the practice of SEO refers to the usage of strategies, procedure, techniques. It focus on human viewers totally follows in search engine rules and policies. Search engine categorize pages stand on keywords. It’s very important for relevant content of the pages. Search engine used computer programs called as crawlers or spiders to search the web and intersect and examine individual pages. This program can read every web page and then index the pages according to their terms, this type of pages show up often and important section of the page in search result.

Every webpage title should be mandatory and includes keyword of your page. Most of them not giving preference for keyword places, SEO point of way keywords place is better to use in header, Using header tag consider to include important keywords with them. Most of the SEO Experts scrutinised and recommended to use particular keywords in top throughout the webpage.

Some persons in their website they have used many times as same keywords for keyword density, that is totally wrong as black hat seo, if you use a keyword many times then some search engine can flag your page as SPAM, because of a black hat technique called Keyword Stuffing. Keyword only not prominent and not factors when generating SERPs (search engine results page) into search engine account. Link analysis determines better quality for web page, Link analysis means search engine looks to see how many other pages link to the page in question, mostly automated search engines use link analysis. For example “Photo design creative” is the keyword, if search engine sees same keyword relevant that hundreds of other web pages belongs to “photo design creative” are linking to your web page, then the engine gives more priority to your webpage as a higher rank .Google give more weight and importance for link based on the rank of the linking pages. If your site pages linking themselves then automatically google system gives ranking high to your site.

Bad SEO Practice:

Your site will be penalized for bad SEO that means when search engine find out your site using spam techniques. This means ban your site from the index or penalty on lower ranking. Many old websites still they are following and using “old” SEO that consider present as spam.
We have specified following would be cause for bad SEO.
1. Keyword stuffing
2. Duplicated content
3. Keyword dilution
4. Invisible text
5. Illegal content
6. Dynamic URLs
7. Blocking Internet Archive may be a spam Signal for Google
8. Repetition of keywords in internal anchor text (particularly in footers) is troubling
9. Doorway pages
10. Cloaking
11. Bans in robots.txt
12. Cross-linking
13. Bad neighbours
14. Bad Linking
15. Wrong redirects
16. Paid links

Keyword Stuffing:

Some of stuff keywords can bane your site from search engine. Suppose any high-flown keyword density is become keyword stuffing and give a risk and totally banish from search engine. If you keep your phrases or keywords on a certain page and content would be unreadable for visitors eyes then also keyword become stuffing.

What Is the risk if I use stuff keyword?

1. your site get banned from the index.
2. Raking penalty.

What is the Solution from stuff keyword?

Use same keywords or phrases but maximum repeating would be 3 or 4 times on one page and use relevant keyword with synonyms instead of using same keyword, and try to keep content reading as “natural” for human eyes.

Duplicate Content:

Same content when do you have in your website in several pages then it will not make your site as larger because this duplicate content on the site and content penalty in terms of google penalties. Many factors comes into play on this duplicate content, the amount of duplicate content on the page and on the site can degrade your strengthness of the site. Some cases duplicated content utilize to pages that are also other sites. For illustration article syndication. In this case for the duplicate content you will not penalize. But where this content published on that page ranking of priority would be low, If you not original owner of that article.

What does happen if I have duplicated pages on my site?

1. Strengthness or weight of the site or its pages can be negligible.
2. It won’t get any rank for that particular page
3. Ranking penalty
4. Search engine can’t find out which version to include or exclude from their exponent.
5. And get banned from the index
Solution: Always try to keep your site content as unique. That will give better result in search engine optimization.


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