Lightworks is again an non-linear video editing software that has been developed in the early age of computers and windows. Eventually, it has upgraded its tools and features and in 2017 it won the EMMY award in the digital and nonlinear video editing category. This small size application runs on Windows, Linux and OS X.
Process of Lightworks Video Editing
Lightworks comes with the variety of powerful features that help you to edit the video easily on your timeline, add audio to it and export the final product up to 4k resolution. Because of its loaded features and useful tutorials, it has become popular among individual video editors and filmmakers. With the benchmark films like Pulp Fiction, The King’s Speech, La Confidential and The Wolf of Wall Street, it has left an undeniable mark in the history of cinema. If you want to be in the queue of fans of Lightworks, you just need to select a particular video file and wait for the output from this after the super simple editing process. Following we have added the lightworks video editing tutorial for beginners, watch entire video to learn the basic tools tricks to edit lightworks software well, also added the lightworks tutorial video editing tutorials download in pdf format for better understanding, you can find the pdf format in the end of the article as well.
Lightworks Video Editing Tutorial – Designed for Beginners by Teacher’s Tech
Lightworks Tutorial for Beginners in 10 mins by bai
Tools of Lightworks Video Editing
Tutorials – The most exciting thing about Lightworks is that it has innumerable user-friendly tutorials that guide you to the every step of editing with the help of consequent tools.
User Interface – Here is an option to borrow necessary tools and effects directly from the timeline which makes it easier and faster than anything. The simple and intuitive user interface allows you to customise the workspace with your native language itself.
Incomparable Format Support – No other video editing software supports as wide formats as Lightworks works with. You can import any file and its ProRes formula and AVI tools transcode that automatically as the instant output.
Superb Trimming – The powerful yet simple tools make a standard trimming that functions as a professional video editing application. The fast trimming and accurate time management is unbeatable in Lightworks.
Multicam Editing – Many other softwares have the same option for multicam editing but it is only Lightworks that can create automatically synced clips without any manual effort. Moreover there is a shortcut key that lets you choose and preview the available choices for a particular video footage.
Inbuilt presets – There is a powerful built-in architecture called GPU pipeline that helps to compose and organise the effects very quickly. Besides Lightworks has an independent source of media that provides with almost hundred presets of effects such as primary colour correction, secondary colour correction, matte finish, blurs, multi-layered masks, and many more. Thus it does not make trouble even if you have an HD source of imported media. Lightworks will solve the problem without any hazards.
Boris FX and Boris Graffiti – Often we want to add the customized transitions in a video by our own but most of the video editing softwares do not allow to create personal transition type of indict video file. Lightworks have enhanced VFX with Boris FX that allows you to create unlimited layers of the file and innovative animations using the vector paint system. Again the text effect is powered by Boris Graffiti thus it can produce auto-rolls, crawls, reflection, zoom out, zoom in, fade and 3D effects.
Console keyboard – The heart of its fast and professional editing system is placed in the uniquely Patented hardware and Console Keyboard. The dedicated keyboard works as a complement of previously designed layouts for editing so that users can easily produce a smooth and optimum video file at the end.
Export and Import – We have discussed earlier that it supports a wide range of imported files in various formats. Again its H.264 Web Export system offers you ready-made video files for uploading on YouTube or other social media. Lightworks not only gives the access to upload files on social platforms but also it has a real-time collaboration within the software, that allows the users to share and exchange the bins and edits after use. Above all the best part lies in the speed optimization of exporting files after getting them edited.
Pricing: Though it has a free version, you have to pay $24.99 per month in case you want to avail all possible perks of it with the Lightworks Pro.
To conclude if you cannot afford Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere Pro, Lightworks can be the super saviour in video editing with its easy tools and pocket friendly price. If you want to learn complete tools editing in the lightworks software then find the lightworks tutorial in pdf formate from the following links, also download the software as well.
Download Lightworks Complete Tutorials in .pdf format
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Download Lightworks Software
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